Time-Resolved equipment

From ms to fs time resolved facilities: transient absorption and luminescence

Instrumentation available

ns – TCSPC

ps – TCSPC

ns – TA

fs – TA

Fluorescence Up-conversion


Singlet Oxygen detection

Steady-state equipment

Spectrophotometers & Spectrofluorometers from UV (190 nm) to NIR (2000 nm) regions


Temperature-controlled experiments

Absolute Quantum yield

Analysis of liquids and solids

Phosphorescence measurements

Additional Facilities

The Photochemistry Group @UC possesses a wide range of advanced equipment and workspace, enabling us to seamlessly progress from compound synthesis to their comprehensive characterization and potential applications.

Autolab  & Redox Battery System

HPLC-DAD & Preparative HPLC


Photochemical reactor


and more…